Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Blackbeard The Pirate King

Title:Blackbeard The Pirate King
Author: J. Patrick Lewis
Publisher:National Geographic Society, 2006
Genre:Informational Text, Poetry
Age Range: 4th grade and up

Summary and Response:

"Some Tales at once excite you
Some tales told twice are true.
Come with me, I invite you
Along for a ride of derring-do-
To a tale as keen as a cutlass
That no man dares impeach.
A tale to billow a pirate's sail
Is the tale of Captain Teach."

Wow! This is the invitation that Lewis gives to the reader at the beginning of the book. Who could resist?

This book takes you though the life of Blackbeard or Edward Teach, exploring the fact, fiction, and unknown. The whole book is written in free verse and each page of the book has a verse covering a part of Blackbeard's life. One of the things I found most fascinating from the book was the naming of Blackbeard's ship. The end of Queen Anne's War left many seaman out of job. It was in this time of desperation that many seaman turned to piracy. When I read about Blackbeard's acquisition of the Conqueror and his renaming of it Queen Anne's Revenge, the connection finally clicked! Blackbeard was making a statement about the state of seaman after Queen Anne's war! This book is FULL of exciting connections, facts, and discoveries. You will be able to consider Blackbeard as you have probably never considered him before.

One other aspect of the book to note is the illustrations. The illustrations are all drawings of Blackbeard that the author has assembled together. These drawings date from six years after Teach's death (in 1718) to the present. Neat, huh?

Teaching Ideas:

This book is a teacher's dream! At the bottom of every page, extra information is given that deals with the topic of the page. Also in the back of the book, Lewis includes a note from the author and a time line of Blackbeard's life. Both of these MUSTS to check out!

Here are a few websites on pirates:

Happy pirating! Arrrgh!

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